20 April 2022
From the Desk of the Principal
From the Desk of the Assistant Principal Religious Education
From the Desk of the Assistant Principal Administration
What's Happening In Our Year 2 Classes?
Awards For The Week
Birthdays During Holidays and This Week
The Good Shepherd Way
The GSCS Way
Fun Run - 22 April
Breakfast Club and Running Club
Library News
Upcoming Events
Teacher Contacts
Community News
From the Desk of the Principal
I am currently on long service leave and will return to school on Monday 16 May. Maxine Nolan is Acting Principal in my absence and is assisted by Rebecca Kershaw (APRE).
I hope you are all continuing to keep well and I look forward to catching up with you all when I return.
Glenda Scrase
From the Desk of the Assistant Principal Religious Education
Sacramental Program
This week, 3 of our students will participate in the Sacramental Retreat Day at Ryan Community Centre in final preparation for receiving their Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion. This day will give them an opportunity to reflect on their preparation so far and are invitations to them to come away and encounter Jesus. Children who are preparing to receive Jesus in the Sacraments also need this time to be “away” so that their hearts can be ready for the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist. We hope you enjoy this special day.
Congratulations to Sienna, Diezel and Isziah.
Parish Mass
Classes will continue to take turns participating in fortnightly Friday morning Masses. This participation gives more of our students an opportunity to experience Mass in a parish setting.
Each Mass takes place at 10am on Fridays in the Community Centre. Parents are most welcome to attend.
Celebrating Mass together is a great way to build community!
Please join us for our ANZAC Day Liturgy this Friday 22nd April at 8.30am in the BBC.
God of Hope,
In this season of Easter we rejoice in the new life the risen Jesus gives us,
offering hope and peace.
This Friday, we will be having a
special ANZAC liturgy
to remember all our Defence men and women that have, and continue to
fight to protect our country.
Help us to be instruments of your peace in our school and in our community.
Rebecca Kershaw
From the Desk of the Assistant Principal Administration
Welcome back! I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter break and had the opportunity to rest, recharge ad spend time with loved ones.
This term is shaping up to be a busy one, starting with ANZAC liturgy and Cross Country Fun Run on Friday.
On Monday, students and staff will be honouring our ANZACS by marching in the parade at Thuringowa. Students who have indicated they will be attending need to assemble in the carpark next to Weir State School at 8:15am. Students should wear their academic uniform, school hat and carry a small drink bottle. The parade will step off at 9:00am, with the morning service at the Thuringowa Cenotaph at 9:30am. Parents are to collect students from the Cenotaph area following the service.
In Week 3, Year 6 students will be heading off to Magnetic Island for their Leadership Camp. This three-day event is a highlight for students, and we look forward to hearing all about it on their return.
Students in Years 3 and 5 will be participating in the NAPLAN tests during weeks four and five of the term. All tests are scheduled to start at 9:00am, so it is important that students arrive at school on time, having had a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast. Students will only take part in one test each day. If you have any concerns about your child’s participation in NAPLAN, please speak to their classroom teacher as soon as possible.
Parent Portal
In the next couple of weeks, we will be opening the Compass Parent Portal to all parents. If you have a child at another Catholic school, you may already be familiar with this. This portal will provide access to information such as your child’s school report and praise notes.
Information will be included in upcoming newsletters, and parents will receive an email with instructions in the coming weeks.
Covid continues to make its presence felt in the community, and in our school. While many restrictions have been relaxed, it is important to continue following health and safety recommendations. If your child has a fever, sore throat, headache, diarrhoea or vomiting, please keep them home. If you do a rapid antigen test and it is negative, children who are unwell should still be kept home – even if it’s not covid, it could be something else contagious!
If the school does call you to collect your child for whatever reason, please understand that this call is not made lightly, and collect your child promptly.
Maxine Nolan
What's Happening In Our Year 2 Classes?
Welcome back to Term 2 everyone. It has been lovely to see all the smiling faces back at school looking refreshed and ready to learn.
Today we set the scene for our mealworm unit and discussed what we already know about them. The children creatively made awesome little creatures from crepe paper tying knots with string to make them look segmented. Their representations of mealworms look fabulous and the children enjoyed making them.
With ANZAC Day upon us the children completed activities and discussed why we celebrate this important day.
Last term the children excitedly wrote what it would be like to be the Easter Bunny and enjoyed a deserved pizza party. Learning about shapes was also a topic with the children making 3D shapes using marshmallows and toothpicks and representing 2D shapes on their white boards as well.
Awards For The Week
Birthdays During Holidays and This Week
~Christian(PrepB) ~Chase(PrepB) ~Payton(1B) ~Matilda(1B) ~Campbell(1C) ~Teddy(1C) ~Summah(1C)
~Nayte(2A) ~Chelsea(2A) ~Yasien(2C) ~Rion(3A) ~Toby(3C) ~Tyler(3C) ~Lucas(3C) ~Caiarn(3C) ~Vivian(4C)
~Nicholas(4C) ~William(5A) ~Indigo(5A) ~Riley(5A) ~Peyton(5A) ~Charlee(5A) ~Zac(5A) ~Alexandra(5A)
Year 5 will be presenting our ANZAC Assembly this Friday in the BBC at 8:40am.
Our lucky Praise Note winners will be drawn at Assembly on Friday.
The Good Shepherd Way
This week our Good Shepherd Way Gospel in Action value is Community where we care for all of creation.
Our Community prayer is also below:
The GSCS Way
The GSCS Way is our positive behaviour support program here at Good Shepherd Catholic School.
All in our community are encouraged to:
- Give My Best
- Show Respect
- Compassion and Care
- Safe Responsible and Fair
Each week we focus on a different area of our matrix.
This week we are focusing on: Before School and Pick Up Zone .
Fun Run - 22 April
Breakfast Club and Running Club
Both Clubs will run every morning. Breakfast Club will run from the Tuckshop from 8:10am and Running Club will be held on the Junior Oval from 8:10am as well.
Library News
Wednesday - Thursday - Friday
Please place your order with Flexischool no later than 8:30am on the day you wish to order. You will find a menu on our webpage. If you wish to place an order of cupcakes for your child's birthday please place your order the week before.
CUTOFF time to order TUCKSHOP
is 8:30am.
PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL ORDERS ARE TO BE PLACED ONLINE AT THE LINK BELOW. Please visit the website to set up your account if you are new to Flexischools.
Sausage Sizzle
On Friday 22nd April the Tuckshop will be having Tuckshop as normal and offering:
~ sausage on bread and a popper $4.00
~ sausage on GF bread and Popper $4.00
Orders are to be placed by the Flexischool App or from the tuckshop by 1:30pm Thursday, 21st April.
Please contact Ann-Maree with any queries.
Flexischool How To Guides for Parents and Caregivers
• Online help is available any time at Flexischools via the link below.
• Phone between 8am - 12pm (AEDST) on weekdays or on the parent phone line (1300 361 769).
How-To Guides for Parents
Flexischool has spent some time over the holidays developing some quick how-to guides for parents. If you'd like to see these, please click the link below.
They include:
• Introduction to Flexischools;
• How to Register;
• How to Top-Up;
• How to Place an Order.
Upcoming Events
Teacher Contacts
Class | Class Teacher | Class Teacher Email |
Prep A | Gail Woodward | gwoodward1@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
Prep B | Karena Davis | kdavis13@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
Prep C | Nola Hanna | nhanna@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
1A | Sarah-Jane Hume | shume@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
1B | Alyssa Romano | aromano2@@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
1C | Jeni Gillman | jgillman3@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
2A | Jenny Bulmer | jbulmer2@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
2B | Susan Paul | spaul3@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
2C | Andrea Nobile | anobile2@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
3A | Caitlin Christie | cchristie4@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
3C | Amanda Marshall | amarshall3@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
4A | Geraldine Feaver | gfeaver1@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
4B | Mollie Larney | mlarney@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
4C | Elle Niland | eniland3@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
5A | Alex Bluck | abluck2@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
5B | Kim Bradbury | kbradbury@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
6A | Donna Moate | dmoate@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
6B | Josephine Goldsworthy | jgoldsworthy@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
Shepherd (P/Y1) | Debbie Hocking | dhocking@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
Shepherd (Yr2/3) | Kylie DeDaunton | kdedaunton1@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
Shepherd (Yr 4/5/6) | Charmaine Aili | caili2@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
The Arts | Saskia Brown | sbrown19@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
PE | Alisha Foord | afoord2@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
P-4 (M-W) | Margaret Turley | mturley@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
P-4 (M-W) | Peta Borg | pborg@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |