9 June 2021
From the Desk of the Principal
From the Desk of the Assistant Principal Religious Education
From the Desk of the Assistant Principal Administration
What's Happening in Our Year 5 Classes
Awards For The Week
Birthdays For This Week
The Good Shepherd Way
The GSCS Way
FACE (Family And Community Engagement) Network News
Just a Reminder - Service Road
Running Club
Have You Enrolled For Prep 2022 Yet?
Environmental Tips
Upcoming Events
Teacher Contacts
Community News
From the Desk of the Principal
Welcome to a wonderful sporting week! Well done to our 15 students who competed in the Obe Geia Rugby League Challenge on Palm Island on Friday. Our team won two games and lost two games but did themselves and their school community proud. Congratulations to Garrett Morgan-Tapau who was awarded the sportsmanship prize. Thank you also to two of our dads, James Tapau and Richie Ryan, for all of their assistance in preparing our team both leading up to the event and on the day.
We were a sea of maroon today as we celebrated Queensland Day. Thank you to our Student Wellbeing Committee for organising this day and thank you also to Mrs Hislop for making a cupcake for every student. It was wonderful to see so many of our students dressed in maroon for the day. We wish our Adopt-A-Cowboy Kyle Feldt all the best as he makes his debut for Queensland in the State of Origin tonight. We look forward to having him tell us all about it when he next visits.
This Friday our 10-13 years will be competing in field events ahead of our Athletics Carnival next Friday. We wish them all the best and we hope you can join us at our carnival next week.
Enjoy the rest of your week and go Queensland tonight!
Glenda Scrase
From the Desk of the Assistant Principal Religious Education
We are very lucky to have two Parish Priests who love to work with our students – Fr Clement and Fr Joseph. Last week Fr Clement met with our Year 2 classes to talk about forgiveness and Reconciliation. He also spoke with our Year 1 classes about Baptism. The children were very interested and we thank Fr Clement for explaining both these sacraments to our students.
Here are some photos of Fr Clement ‘baptising’ Doggy the toy sloth.
In Catholic churches and homes, one of the most popular images of Jesus is the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This Friday 11th June is the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Love has always been associated with the heart, so it was only natural that the love of God became represented by a heart, the heart of his Son Jesus. In him, God the Father revealed his infinite love for us.
The Church was born from the pierced heart of Jesus on the cross.
Since the Church was born from the pierced side of Christ, from his Sacred Heart, this should have great meaning for us. On this special feast day, let us reflect on the mercy, compassion and love that God has bestowed upon us. May we be moved to live the great commandments of love God and love your neighbour.
Judy Bell
From the Desk of the Assistant Principal Administration
Learning well is the key to so many opportunities for people of all ages, but particularly for children. Children who are good learners do better in school and are generally kinder and more confident in themselves. They’re more willing to try new activities and not give up when the going gets tough.
It’s important that parents see their children as learners, but also that children see themselves as learners. Part of being a “good learner” is trying your best, being willing to take risks with learning, to try new things and to take enjoyment from successes, but also from the attempt even if unsuccessful. Children are naturally curios (think of all those questions they ask as toddlers!), and it’s important to encourage that curiosity. It’s also important to remember that learning doesn’t just happen in the classroom or at school.
The following tips to help your child learn are adapted from the Reading Rockets website:
• Let your child know you believe in him or her
Tell your child often that you believe in him or her. Let your child hear (starting at a very young age) that you believe in his or her ability to do well. Reassure them that finding something difficult is okay!
• Talk, sing, and read with your child
Talk, sing, and read together, as often as you can! This can be in the car on the way to school, making dinner at night, reading a bedtime story.
• Involve your extended family
Ask all the people who care about your child - aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, godparents, baby sitters, neighbours, and friends - to encourage your child to do well in school.
• Limit your child's TV watching
Try to control how much TV your child watches. This includes when your child is with you, with a baby sitter, or home alone. Children need to hear and talk to adults in order to build their language skills.
• Have a positive attitude toward school and learning
Take an interest in how your child is doing at school so he or she will believe that learning is important. Show your children that you value their education and encourage attendance.
• Make sure your child does any set homework
If your child is given homework (which includes home readers, sight words, tricky words, or learning number facts) help ensure that it is done. Look over your child's homework each night. Ask your child to explain what he or she is learning. If possible, find a quiet place for your child to study, and set aside time each evening for homework.
Among the many great learners here at Good Shepherd are Nima, Desmond, Kelly and Cynthia (pictured). These students were part a group from Year 3 who shared some fantastic spelling test results with me. They have all made great progress in their spelling, with significantly improved test scores when compared with February. Well done!
We always love seeing students taking pride in their work. This week students from Year 3 shared some fantastic spelling test results with me. Nima, Desmond, Kelly and Cynthia have made great progress in their spelling, with significantly improved test scores when compared with February. Well done!
Maxine Nolan
What's Happening in Our Year 5 Classes
What a huge term it has been in Year 5. We have had meetings with our Kinder PALS from Mary MacKillop, where we are all enjoying buddy reading sessions.
Recently students completed a series of NAPLAN tests online and we had a visit to Harold in the Life Education Van. We have had weekly Circle Time sessions with Mrs Aili, our school’s Inclusive Education teacher and Miss Hewitt, our school’s Guidance Counsellor, helping our students learn to establish and maintain friendships.
We have had a visit from our Adopt a Cowboy-Kyle Feldt who spoke to the senior students about being resilient and persistent in sport and at school.
We recognised ‘Sorry Day’ by making flowers and our students enjoyed attending our Reconciliation Liturgy with our amazing Deadly Learner’s staff and students in the Community Centre.
Last week some of our students went over to Palm Island to participate in the Obie Geia Rugby League Challenge.
This week our students have been working hard completing assessments so their teachers can write their school reports, and we are looking forward to our Athletics Carnivals happening on the next couple of Fridays.
Awards For The Week
Birthdays For This Week
~ Levi Prep C ~ Emma 1A ~ Capri 1A ~ Alaska 1B ~ Archer 2A
~ Montana 3B ~ Angus 4A ~ Talie 5A ~ Saxon 5B ~ Jack 6B
Prep C will be presenting our Assembly this Friday in the BBC at 8:40am.
Our lucky Praise Note winners for last week were: Lillie (PrepB), Chase (1B), Bentley (2C), Sienna (3B), Zac (4B), Paige (5A) and Kenneth (6B).
The Good Shepherd Way
This week our Good Shepherd Way Gospel in Action value is Reconciliation where we are encouraged to be fair, forgiving and respectful.
Our Reconciliation prayer is also below:
The GSCS Way
The GSCS Way is our positive behaviour support program here at Good Shepherd Catholic School.
All in our community are encouraged to:
- Give My Best
- Show Respect
- Compassion and Care
- Safe Responsible and Fair
Each week we focus on a different area of our matrix.
This week we are focusing on Show Respect: Tuckshop, Office, Assembly, Community Centre, Moving Around School, Pick Up Zone.
Congratulations to Madeleine, Kloe and Ayden who were our GSCS Way VIPs last week.
FACE (Family And Community Engagement) Network News
Thank you to everyone who supported and returned our Rotary Raffle tickets.
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 13 July at 7:00pm in the Staffroom.
Just a Reminder - Service Road
Please do not drive down the service road of our school at any time unless prior permission has been given. This includes driving to and from OSHC. We thank you for your continued cooperation with this matter.
Running Club
Running Club is back each Tuesday and Thursday on the oval and is open to all year levels and age groups. Can you help us get to Tokyo for the Olympics?
Have You Enrolled For Prep 2022 Yet?
Students turning 5 by 30 June 2022 are invited to enroll for Prep 2022. Applications are available from our School Office. Alternatively they can also downloaded from our website at https://www.gstsv.catholic.edu.au/enrolment/enrolment-package/
Wednesday - Thursday - Friday
Please place your order with Flexischool no later than 8:30am on the day you wish to order. You will find a menu on our webpage. If you wish to place an order of cupcakes for your child's birthday please place your order the week before.
CUTOFF time to order TUCKSHOP
is 8:30am.
PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL ORDERS ARE TO BE PLACED ONLINE AT THE LINK BELOW. Please visit the website to set up your account if you are new to Flexischools.
Environmental Tips
The oceans cover about two-thirds of the surface of the Earth and are the very foundations of life. They generate most of the oxygen we breathe, absorb a large share of carbon dioxide emissions, provide food and nutrients and regulate climate. They are important economically for countries that rely on tourism, fishing and other marine resources for income and serve as the backbone of international trade.
Upcoming Events
Teacher Contacts
Class | Class Teacher | Class Teacher Email |
Prep A | Gail Woodward | gwoodward1@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
Prep B | Sarah-Jane Hume | shume@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
Prep C | Nola Hanna | nhanna@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
1A | Julia Shaw | jshaw7@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
1B | Kylie DeDaunton | kdedaunton1@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
1C | Jeni Gillman | jgillman3@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
2A | Jenny Bulmer | jbulmer2@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
2B | Rae Hamilton | rhamilton3@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
2C | Christina Harrebomee | charrebomee4@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
3A | Catherine Ahern | cahern4@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
3B | Josie Goldsworthy | jgoldsworthy@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
3C | Margaret Turley | mturley@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
4A | Geraldine Feaver | gfeaver1@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
4B | Sherry Evans | sevans1@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
5A | Jean Nott | jnott@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
5B | Kim Bradbury | kbradbury@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
6A | Rebecca Kershaw | rkershaw@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
6B | Elle Niland | eniland3@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
Inclusive Education | Charmaine Aili | caili2@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
Inclusive Education | Debbie Hocking | dhocking@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
Auslan | Peta Borg | pborg@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
Music | Tegan Barter | tbarter5@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |
PE | Alisha Foord | afoord2@gstsv.catholic.edu.au |