27 January 2021
From the Desk of the Principal
Welcome back to the 2021 school year!
I trust you all had a wonderful break and have returned to us rested, recharged and ready for another fabulous year ahead.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome back all of our existing families and extend a warm welcome to all of our new families. I would also like to welcome Mrs Judy Bell (APRE) and Mrs Maxine Nolan (APA) to our 2021 Leadership Team as well as to our 12 new staff members (see photo below). I am confident you will all love being a part of our Good Shepherd Family.
We had a number of exciting events take place over the holiday break including the refurbishment of the Year 1 and 2 classrooms. The Library is also about to receive a mini makeover and we look forward to having our students back in there and borrowing in the coming weeks.
We have a number of key events coming up in the coming weeks so I encourage you to please keep up to date with our happenings through this weekly newsletter, class fortnightly updates, as well as through our Facebook page.
I look forward to continuing to work with you all in partnership in 2021 to ensure success for all of our students.
Glenda Scrase
From the Desk of the Assistant Principal Religious Education
Greetings. My name is Judy Bell and I am very excited to be joining the Good Shepherd Catholic School community in 2021 as the new APRE. I look forward to getting to know everyone at this wonderful school.
Opening Liturgy
Our Opening Liturgy will be held next Friday 5th of February in the Community Centre at 9am. Senior students, School Captains and Sports Captains and our Deadly Learners will be presented with their badges. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions, only the parents of Year 6 students are permitted to attend.
Mini Vinnies
Notes will go home tomorrow with interested Year 5 and 6 students to join our Mini Vinnies Group for 2021. Mini Vinnies is the Primary School section of the St Vincent De Paul Society. A commitment to be involved for the whole year is required by students who wish to join this group. Interested students need to return their permission note as soon as possible.
Parish Mass
Save the date – Saturday 20th February at 6:00pm. Everyone is welcome.
Sacramental Program 2021
If your child is in Grade 3 or above and you would like them to make the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Holy Communion then you are invited to a REGISTRATION & INFORMATION NIGHT next Monday 1st February or Tuesday 2nd February where the program will be explained. A note with more details is in this newsletter.
Judy Bell
From the Desk of the Assistant Principal Administration
Welcome back! 2021 is set to be a fantastic year of learning at Good Shepherd.
Our teachers have many exciting learning opportunities planned for students throughout the year in all areas of the curriculum.
Children are eager to learn, and families are encouraged to become involved in that learning journey by reading together every day, talking to them about their day, attending school events when possible, and showing children that you are still learning too. For younger students, practise everyday skills as well, such as tying shoe laces, packing up after themselves and opening packets.
Maxine Nolan
Student of the Week Awards
There are no Student of the Week awards this week.
Happy Birthday
Cooper PrepA | Jhett PrepA | Lexie PrepB | Mayeelah PrepB |
Kathain 1A | John 1B | Ned 1C | Andrew 1C |
Levi 1C | Olivah 2A | Lucas 2B | Bentley 2C |
Sienna 3A | Delaphine 3A | Nate 3A | Nevaeh 3A |
Joshua 3A | Dakota-Rose 3B | Jax 3C | Imogen 3C |
Nima 3C | Marley 4A | Lucas 4A | Layne 4B |
Jack 4B | Jarvis 5A | Riley 5A | Moraes 5A |
Jake 5A | Isabella 5B | Heidi 5B | Max 6A |
Jack 6A | Zoe 6A | Charli 6A | Jasmine 6B |
There is no assembly this week.
The GSCS Way
The GSCS Way is our positive behaviour support program here at Good Shepherd Catholic School.
All in our community are encouraged to:
- Give My Best
- Show Respect
- Compassion and Care
- Safe Responsible and Fair
Each week we focus on a different area of our matrix.
This week we are focusing on being Safe, Responsible and Fair: Before School, in the Classroom, in the Eating Area, on the Playground, on the Oval, in the Library and in the Toilets.
The Good Shepherd Way
This week our Good Shepherd Way Gospel in Action value is Community where we are encouraged to connect and engage.
Our Community prayer is also below:
Opening Hours
Wednesday - Thursday - Friday
Can You Help?
Ann-Maree is always looking for helpers in the tuckshop, if you are able to spare some time please give her a call on our office number or email rsmssn@tsv.catholic.edu.au She would love to hear from you.